Alt-Tab Terminator 6 - FREE vs PRO

Great news! The basic version of Alt-Tab Terminator is now completely free. That means you can enjoy all the basic features without any nag screens, ads, or annoying pop-ups. This is especially beneficial for those users who are just starting to use Alt-Tab Terminator.

Alt-Tab Terminator - FREE

The PRO version offers a range of features that can improve your daily workflow, including multi-monitor support, exclusions, custom hotkeys, and UI customization, making it ideal for power users.

Alt-Tab Terminator - PRO

Check out the new PRO style with task numbers and list on the right:

Alt-Tab Terminator - Pro Style

Changelog for Alt-Tab Terminator v6.0 (June 16, 2023):

Download Alt-Tab Terminator (32-bit and 64-bit)

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