WndFromPoint - Free App to Get Window Info from Cursor Position
WndFromPoint is a simple utility which allows you to retrieve information on a window under the mouse pointer. It might be useful in situations where apps like Microsoft Spy++ fail because they require you to switch focus first and then drag the selection tool over the window, so you cannot select menus and other temporary popup windows.

WndFromPoint just reads the cursor position and stays always-on-top displaying window info.
Main Features
- options to filter transparent and layered windows
- option to show application windows only
- press Win+Ctrl+Shift+C to copy window info
- high-DPI aware with per monitor awareness (V2)
- settings are not saved anywhere, it’s portable
- runs on Windows 7 and above
If you need to retrieve details on elevated applications, run WndFromPoint.exe as administrator.
Just download the ZIP file and unpack:
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